CAL FIRE Fire Hazard Severity Zones in Local Responsibility Area
CAL FIRE Provided Maps
The City of Portola has posted the attached Local Responsibility Area Fire Hazard Severity Zones maps provided to the city by CAL FIRE as mandated by government code 51178.5.
Important Notice: The City of Portola was not involved in the development of the
Fire Hazard Severity Zones or the corresponding maps produced by CAL FIRE. In
addition, the city cannot decrease the level of fire hazard severity zone as
identified by the State Fire Marshal per the government code below:
Government Code 51179
"(3) A local agency shall not decrease the level of fire hazard severity zone as identified by the State Fire Marshal for any area within the jurisdiction of the local agency, and, in exercising its discretion pursuant to paragraph (2), may only increase the level of fire hazard severity zone as identified by the State Fire Marshal for any area within the jurisdiction of the local agency."
CAL FIRE has provided additional information to the public pertaining to this mandate which can be found at the following links:
The city invites the public to make comment to this information mandated by CAL FIRE by submitting comment to